.. office Microsoft Office ================ Parasol generates output in both plain text and HTML format. On Windows, Parasol can also generate output in native Microsoft Suite files (Excel, Word and PowerPoint). The Microsoft Suite files are generated by using command line options when launching a Parasol script. The python module `optparse Parser for command line options `_ is used to activate the Microsoft files. The available options can be viewed by entering the terminal command ``python my_script.py --help`` where ``my_script.py`` is a Parasol script. .. code:: python C:\> python my_script.py --help Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -x, --excel create output in a Microsoft Excel document -w, --word create output in a Microsoft Word document -p, --ppt create output in a Microsoft Power Point document -q, --quiet don't show Word, Excel or PowerPoint docs -o, --open leave Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint Open -i IMAGESIZE, --isize=IMAGESIZE (vs,s,m,l,vl)image size in Word or PowerPoint -f FONTNAME, --font=FONTNAME font in Word (c=Courier, l=Lucida, v=Vera, o=OCR, t=type) To initiate a Microsoft Excel output give the command: .. code:: python python my_script.py -x To initiate a Microsoft PowerPoint output give the command: .. code:: python python my_script.py -p To initiate a Microsoft Word output give the command: .. code:: python python my_script.py -w By default, the generated Microsoft files will close at the end of the script. To keep the files open, include the ``-o`` option. For example: .. code:: python python my_script.py -xo python my_script.py -po python my_script.py -wo